It’s all about how you treat your body. It’s proper rest and proper nutrition. Worried about ruining your fat loss progress during the summer holidays?
This is the article for you. First of all, being nervous is a good thing:
Second of all, being nervous is completely normal. You’re going away from home, maybe somewhere you’ve never been before. Your routine is going to be all over the place. The healthy habits you’ve carefully crafted for months will need a radical change. It’s OK to feel a little overwhelmed. Fortunately, maintaining your fitness habits is far from impossible… if you treasure the five steps I’ll cover in this article. This approach is based on my recommendations to my own clients, who end up not only maintaining their results like pros, but also having a smashing time. Let’s get right into Step 1.
A goal without a plan is just a wish. Full disclosure: I don’t like meal prep.
Nevertheless, my nutritional goals are to improve body composition and to support training performance whilst training clients in the gym, working as an online coach, producing online content like this blog, and spending some “me time” with my partner or pursuing my hobbies. For this reason, it would be counterproductive to simply throw meals together as and when, therefore I have found ways to make meal prep fit into my lifestyle rather than the other way around. Do you feel overwhelmed at the prospect of spending all Sunday making meals for the week? Then read on! In this article, I aim to outline a number of strategies that have helped me and my clients tailor goal-appropriate nutritional choices to a hectic lifestyle. To eat is necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art. Updated in September 2023.
In my previous article, I outlined the basics of flexible dieting and focused on one approach that I believe to be a stepping stone to more complex ways of flexible dieting: counting calories and macros. In this piece, I want to cover some guidelines on how to design a diet for either fat loss or muscle gain, including a proposed diet duration, macros and calories calculations, and how to transition away from dieting. Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it. You decided to lose a bit of fat, you got your gym membership, and started going to a few fitness classes every week. You also cleaned up your diet, adding a bit more vegetables and cutting down on chocolate.
Two weeks later, you don’t see much of a change. And yet, you’re doing everything right! So what’s wrong? In this article, I’m going to cover a few potential reasons that are getting in the way of your progress. Let’s get into Number 1! Good food is very often, even most often, simple food. How do you keep up with healthy eating with a full-time job and little to no time for cooking?
If you’ve ever googled “healthy recipes,” you might have seen claims like “ready in ten minutes!” for meals that take you two hours (on a good day). Or recipes labelled “easy” that would make a five-star chef cry. Or foods you either didn’t know existed or can’t afford as the key ingredient on the grocery list. Or maybe all of the above. Does healthy eating need to be tiring, time-consuming, and expensive? Not really. When I was a frustrated full-time employee, I got fed up with recipes I would only be able to make if I were reborn as the next MasterChef winner. I rummaged in my pantry, threw a few ingredients together, and came up with six yummy and healthy recipes you can make with minimal equipment and a handful of everyday foods. Feeling hungry yet? |
Nikias TomasielloWelcome to my blog. I’m an online fitness coach with a passion for bodybuilding, fantasy, and bread. Want to work with me? Check out my services!Archives
January 2025